How to Get into that Office Groove

2022 is done and dusted, with 2023 strutting in to take its place. Now’s the time to shake off those cobwebs and put your best foot forward with intention (and rhythm.) Here’s how to start off the year with the right moves.

Out With the Old

New year, new you. If your workspace is cluttered with last year’s projects, documents, or forms, get organized so that you can clear space for this year’s efforts. Do the same with your digital files, calendars, and subscriptions, keeping only what you need and tying up any loose ends. Need some help getting your desk in order? District is here to help you cut ties with the old and match you with a space suited to the all-new you.

Set Some Goals

It’s easier to go forward with intention when you have a destination in mind. Kick off the year with a brainstorming session, identifying those personal and professional goals you’re motivated to meet, with a roadmap to help lead you to your end goals. . Set some big year-long goals, some smaller quarterly ones, and some that you can review monthly or weekly. That way, you always feel like you’re on the path toward accomplishment. Looking for an inspiring spot to hash out these goals? District has a variety of meeting and event spaces ranging from private and cozy to lofty and outdoorsy, available upon request.

Do What You Love

It’s easier to perform at your best when you’re doing what you love. Identify your mission and focus, and ensure your work is aligned with your vision. If not, do some course correcting. Make it a point to outsource or delegate things that don’t jive with your purpose. District is here to help you connect with talented people who complement your skills. Our friendly staff can help take those IT and admin tasks off your plate, freeing you up to do more of what inspires you.

Find an Accountability Partner

Committing is a breeze when you’ve got someone doing the work alongside you. Channel that natural human competitiveness with an accountability partner – and rise to new heights together. Whether it’s hot-desking side by side, attending weekly or monthly check-ins in our cushy meeting spaces, or sharing your wins at our regular social mixers, District makes it easy to stay accountable and social.

Get Out There and Explore!

There’s nothing more motivating than exploring D.C. and all it has to offer. Commit to attending local events, dining your way through the city, meeting like-minded people, and setting aside some time to explore our many monuments, galleries, and museums. You’ll feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and connected with where you work. With our multiple strategically located workspaces, District puts all of D.C. at your doorstep, so put on some sensible shoes and get exploring!

District is Here to Help You Get Your Groove On

Ready to waltz into 2023 like you own the place? District Offices is here to help. With our flexible workspaces, state-of-the-art meeting rooms, endless opportunities for making connections, and impeccably positioned locations, we make it easy to find your rhythm – and make short work of those New Year’s resolutions.



Contact us to discuss your needs, book a tour, or secure the perfect space for your business.


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