Engaging Remote Employees and Extending Your Company Culture

As we all seek to flatten the COVID-19 curve, businesses around the world have adapted by mandating remote working. But while working from home can boost productivity gains, it does lag in certain areas, namely engagement and culture. Here’s how your company can keep your employees engaged and feeling part of a team when there’s no water cooler …

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How Your Business Can Benefit From Partnering With a Non-Profit

Consumers have never been as concerned about corporate social responsibility as they are today. Social enterprises are on the rise, and more and more startups are following this business model. But what if your mission isn’t tackling a social or environmental issue head-on? How can you demonstrate that you are socially responsible? Or maybe you’re …

6 Virtual Meeting Etiquette Rules to Follow

Whether you’re an occasional remote worker, a full-time freelancer, or amid a pandemic, chances are you’re participating in a fair number of virtual meetings. In fact, 14 percent of remote workers engage in more than ten meetings per week (during regular business circumstances). While virtual meetings provide critical face time and build stronger professional relationships, they also …

The Secrets to Hosting Successful and Productive Business Meetings

Business meetings are part of the job in any industry. When designed effectively, they can leave you feeling inspired, accomplished, and connected. However, when designed poorly, they can leave you feeling like you wasted your time. According to Doodle’sDoodle’s 2019 State of Meetings report, the cost of poorly organized meetings in 2019 reached $399 billion in the United States.  …

Hosting a Holiday Party in DC? We’ve Got the Goods! 

It’s that time of year again, with holiday parties happening just about every other day. It seems like if you’re not attending one, you’re throwing one! After all, what better way to celebrate the approach of a new year and get excited about the holiday season? There are a lot of reasons to throw a …

Legal Meeting Space: Coworking Provides the Ultimate Amenities for Any “War Room” Session

If you’re a lawyer, it’s a sure bet you’ve heard the term “war room” before. It’s that special place where everyone on the litigation team gathers to hammer out details just before and during a courtroom trial, in a coordinated effort to present the best case possible. Though all war rooms are a little different, …

How to Host a Great Event for Your Business

Whether you’re looking to host a networking event or a conference, or you want to host something a little smaller, like a breakout session or an intimate meeting, proper planning is the key to making it a success. Depending on the type of event you are hosting, you may also need to consider how you …

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How to Set Up Your Meetings for Success

Is there anything worse than wasting your time (and everyone else’s) at a meeting that ends up being colossally unproductive? The meeting started late; there was no clear objective or agenda; no one knew who was in charge, and ultimately… nothing was accomplished that couldn’t have been done in an email. Meetings like this leave …