adams room

In-Person Meetings Still Matter: How to Hold a Safe In-Person Meeting

Remote meetings have allowed businesses to continue operating throughout the pandemic. Technology has allowed conferences to pivot into webinars and events to be held virtually. But no matter the platform you use – it’s still not the same as meeting in person. Virtual meetings have their limits. It’s easier to be less engaged (i.e. turn …

Office Transitions: How to Prepare to Return to the Office

As restrictions ease and a new normal rolls in, companies are allowing their employees to return to the office. But it’s not like the day we had all hoped for where the pandemic magically disappears; it comes with social distancing protocol, enhanced cleaning, and mask-wearing. Whether returning to work is mandatory, optional, or a hybrid …

Find the Best Remote Work Style for You

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. earlier this year, many of us retreated into our homes to work remotely. While working from home has its perks, it’s not ideal for everyone — and it can be especially challenging for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups. Luckily, there are some great options that can help to improve and …

improved productivity impact of a workplace on your performance

Improved Productivity: The Impact of a Workplace on your Performance

Efficient working isn’t about working harder: it’s about working smarter. One critical yet often overlooked element of productivity is not how we work, but where we work. Though our workspaces play a vital role in how effectively, creatively, and collaboratively we work, studies indicate that only 57% of workers feel that their workplace is set up accordingly. And …

Professionals Need Their Own Personal Brand

Your personal brand is a way of promoting yourself through a combination of skills, personality, and experience. It’s the impression you make that gives off and how you carry yourself at work, the work you accomplish, and it includes your online presence. It’s a way of marketing yourself and your career as a brand to …

8 Tips for Staying Healthy in the Workplace

As workplaces begin to reopen or provide options to come back into the office, employees are faced with a difficult decision. Is it safe?  Although it’s mostly the employer’s responsibility to keep employees safe, employees also need to assess their situations, understand the risks, and take preventative measures. Below we’ve outlined tips for creating a …

The Increasing Importance of Flexible Workspaces

There’s no doubt that coronavirus has turned how we work on its head. Just like that, employees were working remotely while juggling kids and logging hours outside the typical 9-5. And companies had no choice but to adjust to this new normal – even if they didn’t previously embrace a work-from-home culture.

Going Virtual? Benefit from the Flexibility of a Virtual Office

The past few months have seen businesses reconsider how and where they work. Staff members are working from home, logging on outside the traditional Monday-Friday 9-5, or even sitting out for weeks or months as companies adjust to a rapidly changing future. Unsurprisingly, for many small or mid-sized businesses, the enormous overheads associated with a full-floor or …