How Your Workspace Influences Your Company’s Recruitment and Retention

Workspaces have a significant effect on companies in a variety of ways. They impact employee happiness and productivity and are seen as a perk when a candidate considers where they choose to work.  While there are many things to consider when selecting the ideal workspace, it’s important to know how much a workspace weighs on …

Coworking Spaces for Lawyers and Legal Professionals are an Ideal Choice

As the world begins to return to in-person working, solo attorneys, lawyers, paralegals, and other law professionals are rethinking how and where they work. But large law offices or chambers can be expensive, inflexible, or scarce in terms of availability. Little wonder legal professionals looking for space are turning to coworking as a viable option.

Price vs Service: The Difference When Looking for an Office

Looking for an office will quickly have you assessing your business’s current and future needs. It’s hard to know how to find the right office space and what price you should be paying depending on which services you are getting. What services are worth paying for? What does your business need? What price point makes …

Getting Back into an Office Routine

We’re now almost a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, something that has required us to stay at home and rethink how we spend our days. By now, most of us are thinking longingly of our carefree days in the office and even of the commute to work. But after a year of being out of …

The Perks of an On-Demand Workspace in Washington D.C.

Business today is all about being flexible and personalized. Just like we want to access our entertainment a la carte, we want the same from our workplaces. That’s why D.C. workspaces like District Offices exist – to give you everything you need from a workplace when you want it. Here are just some of the …

Agile Businesses Need Agile
Office Neighborhoods

When your workspace shapes how you work, it is little wonder that workplace design is on everyone’s minds. Organizations have always strived to create workplace environments that foster productivity and employee happiness. This is why we’ve seen the shift from cubicle farms to vast open-plan spaces – and now something in between. We call this …

Find the Best Remote Work Style for You

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. earlier this year, many of us retreated into our homes to work remotely. While working from home has its perks, it’s not ideal for everyone — and it can be especially challenging for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups. Luckily, there are some great options that can help to improve and …

improved productivity impact of a workplace on your performance

Improved Productivity: The Impact of a Workplace on your Performance

Efficient working isn’t about working harder: it’s about working smarter. One critical yet often overlooked element of productivity is not how we work, but where we work. Though our workspaces play a vital role in how effectively, creatively, and collaboratively we work, studies indicate that only 57% of workers feel that their workplace is set up accordingly. And …

8 Tips for Staying Healthy in the Workplace

As workplaces begin to reopen or provide options to come back into the office, employees are faced with a difficult decision. Is it safe?  Although it’s mostly the employer’s responsibility to keep employees safe, employees also need to assess their situations, understand the risks, and take preventative measures. Below we’ve outlined tips for creating a …