Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview

While the spread of COVID19 has been slowed, remote work continues to be the norm, and it is not going away anytime soon. This means that virtual meetings and chat rooms are here to stay and if you’re in the job market or looking to hire then this means virtual interviews! Virtual interviews can be …

How to Keep Remote Workers Happy and Engaged

Remote work has quite suddenly become the new normal. Luckily with technology, it’s not as hard to navigate as one might assume. With Slack, Zoom, and various remote tools, your company is at your fingertips, and work is getting done efficiently. However, there are still lots of challenges that can directly affect employees and how …

Best Collaborative and Organizational Tools for Remote Teams

What does collaboration look like in business? Is it your team together in a room, drawing all over a whiteboard, talking back and forth to solve a problem? Or presenting new ideas, meeting with different departments, or getting feedback from the desk next door? Whether your business is working remotely due to Covid-19 concerns or …

Virtual Offices Are the Game Changer Your Business Needs

Businesses develop when someone somewhere realizes there’s a need or a problem that needs to be solved, and they have a way to provide the solution. The core of any business is seeing how you can do something for someone and then making it happen. When the workforce wanted the option to work from home, …

The Benefits of Having a Business Address as a Startup

If there’s one thing you should seriously consider, it’s getting an actual address for your business. Even if you do 95% of your work at home, in your underwear, propped up in bed, that’s okay. Your clients and partners don’t need to know the dirty details of how you serve them, only that you’re fab …

Phone Answering Services Equals Money in Your Pocket

Hold the phone, that’s money calling! We all know that first impressions matter for every business. Simply put, if you make a poor first impression, you don’t get a do-over. That impression is for life and may drive new customers right into the arms of your competition. The best approach to achieve smooth communication and …

virtual office or coworking space

Virtual Office or Coworking Space: How to Choose?

Today entrepreneurs, businesses, and freelancers have several flexible options when it comes to office space. Plus, there has been a lot of change in the past few years with an abundance of options available for office spaces. This leads to confusion about which option is right for your business. The current working environment has found …