District Offices: The Ideal Workspace for Government Contractors

A dramatic shift is taking place in federal employment today, with thousands of highly skilled professionals being laid off. These individuals, many of whom have been working in government roles for years, now face a critical decision: What can we do?  It is often the case that people seek self-employment by launching consulting firms or …

How to choose the right office space for your business growth

How to Choose the Right Office Space for Your Business Growth

The nature of workspaces is changing fast, directly influencing the employees’ feelings and performances. Well-designed office spaces promote productivity, team collaboration, and a professional ambiance. And the best businesses always find smarter ways to improve their efficiency. Among such factors are the right office setup, professional office space, suitable furniture usage enhancing comfort and collaboration, …

Private Office vs. Dedicated Desk Spaces

Private Office vs. Dedicated Desk Spaces – What’s the Difference?

Many things have changed in how we work today. Now, offices not only consist of rows of cubicles and strict schedules. Instead, businesses have different options for office setups. Among the most in-demand options are coworking spaces and private offices. Both have their downsides and advantages, depending on factors such as the size of the …

Administrative Support in Your Coworking Space

Work Smarter: Leverage Administrative Support in Your Coworking Space

Coworking isn’t just about shared desks and workspaces anymore—it’s evolving fast. Today, coworking spaces are hubs for innovation, creativity, and new business opportunities. If you own or plan to open a coworking space, it’s important to adapt to these growing changes. Coworking spaces now offer more than a great location and a built-in community. They …

4 Benefits of a D.C. Office

Whether your organization is considering a return to office life or an expansion, District Offices’ coworking spaces are the place to land. Strategically located and powerfully amenitized, our flexible workplaces deliver convenience, accessibility, desirability, and solid ROI to your organization. Here are just some of the reasons our tenants choose District Offices. 

Price vs Service: The Difference When Looking for an Office

Looking for an office will quickly have you assessing your business’s current and future needs. It’s hard to know how to find the right office space and what price you should be paying depending on which services you are getting. What services are worth paying for? What does your business need? What price point makes …

How to Find the Right Office Space for Your Company

The world of office space is rapidly changing. One year into the pandemic, most businesses are at the drawing board– analyzing if their current strategy is working for the company and its employees. Some bigger companies have announced switching to long-term remote working or hybrid options to include both remote and in-office work. At a …

Getting Back into an Office Routine

We’re now almost a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, something that has required us to stay at home and rethink how we spend our days. By now, most of us are thinking longingly of our carefree days in the office and even of the commute to work. But after a year of being out of …

Office Transitions: How to Prepare to Return to the Office

As restrictions ease and a new normal rolls in, companies are allowing their employees to return to the office. But it’s not like the day we had all hoped for where the pandemic magically disappears; it comes with social distancing protocol, enhanced cleaning, and mask-wearing. Whether returning to work is mandatory, optional, or a hybrid …

improved productivity impact of a workplace on your performance

Improved Productivity: The Impact of a Workplace on your Performance

Efficient working isn’t about working harder: it’s about working smarter. One critical yet often overlooked element of productivity is not how we work, but where we work. Though our workspaces play a vital role in how effectively, creatively, and collaboratively we work, studies indicate that only 57% of workers feel that their workplace is set up accordingly. And …