How to Combat Virtual Meeting Fatigue

After a full day packed with virtual meetings, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’ve pulled an all-nighter. In fact, virtual meeting fatigue is a very real thing – as remote and hybrid workers know all too well. Virtual meetings make it hard to pick up on social cues, like turn-taking and sentiment. It also …

Optimizing Flex Office Spaces for Freelancers

One of the biggest challenges for today’s freelancers is finding the right place to work. Working from home makes networking difficult, and coffee shop working is less than ideal, as it lacks privacy and proper office amenities. A flexible office space can be the solution to all your freelancer woes.

Finding a Workplace, You Love and Deserve

It’s hard to do your best work when you’re uninspired by your workspace. Whether it’s a full-time position or you’re splitting your time between home and the office, finding that ideal environment for chasing those audacious goals is vital. Here’s how to find an office that will inspire you to reach new heights.

Take the Leap with a Business Coach

Whether you’re a CEO or an entrepreneur, life can get lonely at the top. But guidance from an expert business coach can help you get the external input and impartial eyes you need to take your career – and your organization – to the next level. Here’s what to know about hiring a business coach.

How to Wrap up the Year and Prep for 2023

It may be hard to believe, but we’re well into the pointy end of the year -soon enough, we’ll be flipping those calendars over to 2023. If you want to put your best foot forward this coming new year, take some time during these last few weeks of December to wrap up those to-do lists …

Why You Should Choose a District Office Space to Work on Your RFP

Where you work shapes your output, opportunities, and culture. If you’re working on an RFP (Request for Proposal) or GovGon proposal, choosing District Offices as your workplace will put you ahead of the curve. Here’s why it’s to your benefit to consider our coworking, private office, or meeting spaces when developing your RFP.

Empower Excellence with Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

We live in an increasingly diverse world. Businesses that see this and work wholeheartedly and authentically to build workforces that reflect the wider community are better able to understand, empathize with and sell to diverse audiences. Here’s how to embrace diversity and inclusion – and position your organization to succeed on the local, national, and …

Finding Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness isn’t just a buzzword – it’s top-of-mind for most leaders. Research has shown time and time again that employee well-being is vital for productivity, career longevity, and organizational loyalty. As we return to the office and relearn how to work in a shared environment, prioritizing well-being is more critical than ever. Here’s how to …

Why Networking is Still Essential

What you know matters, but who you know is critical to moving up in the world. Look around, and you’ll quickly see that the changemakers and trailblazers are the ones who make an effort to build networks and surround themselves with people who can enrich their conversations, challenge their thinking, and highlight critical opportunities.Â