What Workers are Looking for in a Job

At any given time, some 51% of workers are looking for a new job. With at least 41 million Americans having lost their jobs as businesses closed or slashed budgets during COVID-19 pandemic, there’s currently a huge potential hiring pool out there for employers to tap into. However, to get access to top talent, your company needs …

How to Keep Remote Workers Happy and Engaged

Remote work has quite suddenly become the new normal. Luckily with technology, it’s not as hard to navigate as one might assume. With Slack, Zoom, and various remote tools, your company is at your fingertips, and work is getting done efficiently. However, there are still lots of challenges that can directly affect employees and how …

Best Collaborative and Organizational Tools for Remote Teams

What does collaboration look like in business? Is it your team together in a room, drawing all over a whiteboard, talking back and forth to solve a problem? Or presenting new ideas, meeting with different departments, or getting feedback from the desk next door? Whether your business is working remotely due to Covid-19 concerns or …

top 7 qualities of a good manager

Top 7 Qualities of a Good Manager

Good managers are hard to come by. You know the ones– they’re enthusiastic about the company and make level-headed decisions, fueled by expertise and empathy. But with different management styles, different kinds of businesses, and different types of people to manage, what really defines a good manager? What qualities do ‘good managers’ share that set …

Time for a Remote Reboot: Hitting the Team Reset Button

Working from home can feel completely foreign for some and like a dream come true for others. When managing a team remotely, however, the pressure can feel even greater. There is more pressure because you cannot see the person working, and have to trust that they are being as productive as they are when in …

Virtual Offices Are the Game Changer Your Business Needs

Businesses develop when someone somewhere realizes there’s a need or a problem that needs to be solved, and they have a way to provide the solution. The core of any business is seeing how you can do something for someone and then making it happen. When the workforce wanted the option to work from home, …

How to Succeed Working at Home with Your Whole Family

In an unprecedented turn of events, you’re working from home. Your coworkers range from furry felines, to rambunctious kids, and equally unsure-how-to-make-this-work adults. Your normal routine is out the window, you’ have deadlines to meet, and the kids need to complete their schoolwork. It’s a lot. The good news is while this might be new …

Engaging Remote Employees and Extending Your Company Culture

As we all seek to flatten the COVID-19 curve, businesses around the world have adapted by mandating remote working. But while working from home can boost productivity gains, it does lag in certain areas, namely engagement and culture. Here’s how your company can keep your employees engaged and feeling part of a team when there’s no water cooler …

partnering with non profit blog image

How Your Business Can Benefit From Partnering With a Non-Profit

Consumers have never been as concerned about corporate social responsibility as they are today. Social enterprises are on the rise, and more and more startups are following this business model. But what if your mission isn’t tackling a social or environmental issue head-on? How can you demonstrate that you are socially responsible? Or maybe you’re …

6 Virtual Meeting Etiquette Rules to Follow

Whether you’re an occasional remote worker, a full-time freelancer, or amid a pandemic, chances are you’re participating in a fair number of virtual meetings. In fact, 14 percent of remote workers engage in more than ten meetings per week (during regular business circumstances). While virtual meetings provide critical face time and build stronger professional relationships, they also …