Coworking Services: A One-Stop-Shop for Your Business

Whether you’re an independent contractor, startup, or SME your goals are the same: to maximize growth and profits. That means spending more time on high-value areas of work such as client acquisition, contract management and project delivery, and less on handling office admin. If flexibility, ROI, and simplicity matter to you, then a coworking space …

Tips to Help You Recover After a Burnout

Burnout has become a bit of a buzzword phrase for the workplace as of late. It’s not exactly a surprise considering all the shifts and new stresses this year has endured. However, commonplace or not, burnout is a very real problem with potentially devastating effects.

Comfort and Productivity: Gear to Up Your Work Game

Sometimes productivity and focus seem elusive, no matter how hard you try to obtain it or where you’re working from. Home comes with its own set of distractions, and though working from an office can help with focus, there are some days where it feels like (literally) everything is against you getting stuff done. The …

decentralize your business by developing a flexible office strategy

How to Decentralize Your Business by Developing a Flexible Office Strategy

For years now, the business world has been moving away from strict hierarchical business models towards decentralized ones. This trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, startup boom, changes brought about by globalization, and, of course, the growth in flex-office spaces. Why choose flex-office space or the better-known cousin – the coworking office solution? …

Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview

While the spread of COVID19 has been slowed, remote work continues to be the norm, and it is not going away anytime soon. This means that virtual meetings and chat rooms are here to stay and if you’re in the job market or looking to hire then this means virtual interviews! Virtual interviews can be …

What Workers are Looking for in a Job

At any given time, some 51% of workers are looking for a new job. With at least 41 million Americans having lost their jobs as businesses closed or slashed budgets during COVID-19 pandemic, there’s currently a huge potential hiring pool out there for employers to tap into. However, to get access to top talent, your company needs …

How to Keep Remote Workers Happy and Engaged

Remote work has quite suddenly become the new normal. Luckily with technology, it’s not as hard to navigate as one might assume. With Slack, Zoom, and various remote tools, your company is at your fingertips, and work is getting done efficiently. However, there are still lots of challenges that can directly affect employees and how …

Best Collaborative and Organizational Tools for Remote Teams

What does collaboration look like in business? Is it your team together in a room, drawing all over a whiteboard, talking back and forth to solve a problem? Or presenting new ideas, meeting with different departments, or getting feedback from the desk next door? Whether your business is working remotely due to Covid-19 concerns or …

top 7 qualities of a good manager

Top 7 Qualities of a Good Manager

Good managers are hard to come by. You know the ones– they’re enthusiastic about the company and make level-headed decisions, fueled by expertise and empathy. But with different management styles, different kinds of businesses, and different types of people to manage, what really defines a good manager? What qualities do ‘good managers’ share that set …

Time for a Remote Reboot: Hitting the Team Reset Button

Working from home can feel completely foreign for some and like a dream come true for others. When managing a team remotely, however, the pressure can feel even greater. There is more pressure because you cannot see the person working, and have to trust that they are being as productive as they are when in …